Seminar Series
CB Weekly Work-In-Progress Schedule
Wednesdays, 12:00pm-1:00pm, Locations vary
A weekly seminar series in which graduate students present formal 30 minute talks on their thesis research.
Department of Cancer Biology Seminars
Please see the Department website for seminar event information.
Department of Cancer Biology Retreat
Every year the department hosts a retreat off the Penn campus. All CB students are encouraged to attend.
2024-25 CPM Seminar Schedule
Fridays, 12:15 pm-1:30 pm
A weekly seminar series in which graduate students present formal 15-30 minute talks on their thesis research or lab rotation. All CPM students are required to speak annually.
DSRB Seminar Series
A weekly seminar series in which graduate students present formal 12-15 minute talks on their thesis research or lab rotation. All DSRB students and Developmental Biology trainees are required to speak annually.
Distinguished Seminar Series
Mondays, 12:00pm-1:00pm, BRB Auditorium
A weekly seminar series cosponsored by the Genetics Department, the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, the Penn Epigenetics Institute, and the Institute for Regenerative Medicine that features prominent speakers from outside UPenn. Interested students and postdocs can sign up to have lunch with the speaker.
Distinguished Seminar Series
Mondays, 12:00pm-1:00pm, BRB Auditorium
A weekly seminar series cosponsored by the Genetics Department, the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, the Penn Epigenetics Institute, and the Institute for Regenerative Medicine that features prominent speakers from outside UPenn. Interested students and postdocs can sign up to have lunch with the speaker.
Genetics Friday Research Talks
Fridays, 1:00 pm Austrian Auditorium CRB
A weekly seminar series in which graduate students and postdoctoral fellows present formal 30-minute talks on their current research. All G&E students and GEN-TG trainees are required to speak annually.
Genomics and Computational Biology (GCB) Chalk Talks
Fridays, 2:00pm-3:00pm, Class of 62 Auditorium JMB
Hosted by the Genomics and Computational Biology Graduate Group (GCB).
Genetics Journal Club
2nd and 4th Thursdays, 12:00pm-1:00pm, 302 CRB
A bi-weekly journal club covering recent papers in human genetics and genomics.
RNP Discussion Group Meetings
Once a month on Tuesdays, 12:00pm, JF Library (2nd Floor Anatomy-Chemistry Building)
Hosted by the Penn RNA Group.
Epigenetics Institute Calendar
Includes a "Distinguished Seminar Series" (Mondays, 12:00pm, once a month) and
an "Epigenetics Monthly Seminar Series" (Wednesdays, 4:00pm)
Annual Genetics Symposium and Retreat
This annual symposium hosted by the Department of Genetics focuses on a different area of genetic research each year and features both faculty, students and keynote speakers. All G&E students are encouraged to attend. The Department of Genetics also hosts an annual retreat in the fall semester for Penn Genetics faculty and trainees. All first year G&E and GCB students are invited to attend.
Annual Epigenetics Symposium and Retreat
The Epigenetics Institute hosts an annual symposium focusing on a different area of epienetic research each year, featuring distinguished external and internal speakers. The Institute also hosts an annual epigenetics retreat, attended by faculty and trainees from Core Members of the Institute and first-year students in G&E.
The Bernard Cohen Memorial Lecture in Genetics
This annual Spring lecture brings a renowned geneticist to speak on campus. Interested students and postdocs can sign up to have lunch with the speaker.
Upcoming events in the Genetics Department are announced on their LiveWhale calendar - if you are interested in receiving email notices and reminders regarding these events, please join their mailing list.
Upcoming events in the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics can be found on their Events page
2022-2023 GTV Research in Progress Series
Thursdays, 12:00pm-1:00pm, Smilow Center
A weekly seminar series in which graduate students present formal 15-20 minute talks on their thesis research or lab rotation. All GTV students are required to speak annually.
CCMT Lecture Series
First Thursday of the month, 4:00pm, Locations sometimes vary
Hosted by The Raymond G. Perelman Center for Cellular and Molecular Therapeutics in CHOP.
CFAR Seminar Series
Once a month during the Academic Year - date, time, and location can vary
Hosted by the Penn Center for AIDS Research.
Department of Microbiology Seminars
If you would like to join the department listserv to receive notifications of upcoming events and seminars, please fill out this form.
Department of Pathobiology Events
The Department of Pathobiology is within the Vet School.
Immunobiology Research in Progress (RIP) Seminar Series
Fridays, 12:00pm, BRB Auditorium
Hosted by the Institute for Immunology (IFI)